I've never really been a Kanye West fan, and this interview with Matt Lauer on The Today Show solidifies that feeling.
It amazes me how much nonsense that pours out of this "mans" mouth on a regular basis. What I love the most is that his team of publicists, image consultants, and managing crew allow him to continually go on national television to make a fool of himself? As if his image wasn't tarnished enough, this person who has been deemed a celebrity keeps putting his big black foot in his mouth.
The interview includes the incident when Mr. West confesses his ideas that our former President, George W. Bush, was a racist during the horrible tragedy of Hurricane Katrina because the media and government "didn't care about black people" and that they were portraying them as looters. Not to mention the poor situation he put Chris Tucker and his on-screen talking partner Mike Meyers.
Furthermore, Matt Lauer says that after this interview, President Bush accepted Mr. West's apology. But when you watch the video - there IS no apology. "Manning up" to your mistakes are not the same as giving an apology. Sorry.
Furthermore, Matt Lauer says that after this interview, President Bush accepted Mr. West's apology. But when you watch the video - there IS no apology. "Manning up" to your mistakes are not the same as giving an apology. Sorry.
After the racist accusation was televised, a lot of individuals (and by a lot I mean very few) spoke out FOR Kanye, saying why should anyone berate a man of color for speaking his mind?
Ok - I get that "freedom of speech" and all that goes with it, but there is a time and a venue for such a thing ... and a LIVE, televised phone-a-thon to raise money for a national disaster is definitely not the best scenario.
While on the subject if televised tomfoolery, next time you decide to bum-rush a stage, make sure it isn't for one of the country's emerging American sweethearts. That really won't help your case, and the next morning you won't have to worry about blaming it on the Cognac or seeing shirts and hash-tags that read "Team Swift."
Again, with this terrible display of ill will, it took Mr. West all he had to compose an apology blog post (yes, very digital) saying how he was so sorry to Miss Swift, her fans, and especially her mother (really?). But - in true Kanye fashion, the apology was removed for reasons unbeknownst to the public and all evidence it ever existed on the rappers website were disposed of. However, the media is more savvy these days - and once something hits the Internet, you better believe that it will always be able to be found. Exhibit A...
Kanye is on a path of self destruction - not by drugs, not by alcohol, but because he can't keep his silly little mouth shut. I commend anyone who has the decency to speak their mind - but honestly. Think before you speak - and even if you have to write what you're going to say on a Post-It, the public would have much respect for your speaking skills as opposed to going off script and just looking like a jackhole. Hopefully you just stick to laying low, keeping that sippy cup of Kahlua out of your mouth, and take your grill out.