Tis The Season for Shopping Tips & Tricks.

Since I am immersed into the wonderful world of retail, I can tell you a lot of things happen during the holidays. Dropping big bills, printing multiple gift receipts, and ladies fighting over size 2's and 4's when they should be picking up 14's. It truly is a magical time of year for us who clean up the mess that other leave behind - but one trend I am seeing during retails triumphant rise this season is the extensive use of lists.

It amazes me that with the economy still the way it is that people are dropping major dollars this holiday, but some tricks that wise "power shoppers" are using really help them get the best bang for their buck (bad pun?)

1. Lists
I've never seen as many people shopping with lists before in my life, especially when it comes to buying clothes. It's a smart tactic, however, to alleviate sporadic purchases and buying "just because." Anything not on the list should be avoided; if it wasn't good enough to make it on the initial list, it must not be worth purchasing, right? It's also a great way to keep track of who is getting what and what you've already purchased. No one likes repeats!
A great tool to use for you iPhone, iPad, and iPod users is the Better Christmas List app. It keeps all of your potential gifts separated by person and you can keep a running tally of purchases and prices. NEAT-O!

2. Cash
A smart thing to do this holiday season is to leave the plastic at home and turn to paper. It is a great method for the compulsive shopper to only take a certain amount of cash as a "limit." That way you can only spend what you've already set your budget for - and you will be happier to see your bank statement in the morning.

3. Organization
Sometimes we tend to NOT be able to get everything on a person's Christmas list, so another benefit of creating a shopping to-do is putting the most desired items up top and not so important items towards the bottom. That way, IF you CAN'T get everything you can rest assured that you got the most desirable gifts. The rest can be fluff.

4. FUN!
No matter who you are, making lists are fun. They can get creative, are your go-to incase you forget something, and they make you happen when you mark something off of it.

Happy Holiday Hunting!